What is the best wood fencing material?

One of the most common fencing materials is wood, wood fences are loved for their aesthetic, security, and their ability to last many years with proper care. Like any service or product, customers expect quality. We want to ensure you understand what to look out for when having a wood fence installed. Follow these tips made by The Global Fence and Gate to guarantee you receive a quality wood fence when choosing your options.

Western Wood Cedar

In recent times lumber has received a dramatic increase in demand. This increase in demand has caused shortages and many misleading companies will try to take advantage of the customer by telling them the wood being used for their fence is “Cedar”. In Texas, the quality standard is Western Wood Cedar. When receiving service from a fencing company make sure to no just take “Cedar” as an answer. This is because certain companies may cheap out and use Incense, White Wood, or Japonica Cedar also known as Japanese Cedar. All of these alternative woods are downgrades from true Western Wood Cedar

Why is Western Wood Cedar great for fencing?

Now that you know about western wood cedar, you may ask yourself why is it preferred over the alternatives? Western wood cedar is one of the strongest woods on the market. It is full of natural oils making it more weather resistant than most woods, it is also known to have consistency in its grains and color.  As years pass western wood cedar stays durable for longer periods of time compared to most woods and some may even consider the aging process like a fine wine for the wood gains a beautiful grayish weathered appearance.

How to keep your wood fence looking new

It’s important to initially consider the durability of your wood but also making sure you take the measures to keep your fence durable and looking like new. Once you have a wood fence installed over time you will want to stay on top of keeping it in good condition. You can do so by treating your wood with water repellants and sealants sold at your local hardware store for about $10 to $20 for a gallon. You may also apply a semi-transparent stain which has the same weather-resistant qualities but will add pigment to your wood, you can find these also at your local hardware store for about $20 to $40 for a gallon 

Where to find the best wood fences

Feel free to contact The Global Fence and Gate if you have any questions. With over 50 years of expertise, We would be glad to provide you with quality fencing services and are always willing to provide you with a free quote on your next wood fence.


Fence Etiquette


Quality Fencing Standards